




 Part Ⅰ Writing (30 minutes)

 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on invention. Your essay should include the importance of invention and measures to be taken to encourage invention. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

 参考 范文

 My View on Invention

 Drawing a comparison between modern life and ancient life, we cannot imagine what life will be like now without invention. Invention must be attached great importance to, as it is invention that contributes to the advancement of our society. There are several examples which can be cited to illustrate this concept. I can think of no better illustration than the following one. If Edison hadn't invented the light bulb, we would have lived a life as the blind in the night.

 Given that invention plays such an essential role in our life, what can we do to cultivate this precious spirit? For one thing, it is advisable for the social media and publicity department to vigorously inform the public of the importance of invention. For another, the relevant authority should set up favorable regulations to encourage invention. For example, they can set up the practice of giving premiums or issuing patent certificate to inventors.

 Finally, I want to use the following saying as our mutual encouragement, ?Invention is the spirit of human being?s progress.? At no time should we underestimate the power of invention. Therefore, when an idea comes to your mind next time, just make your own invention.

 Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension

 Section A

 1. C) It links the science of climate change to economic and policy issues.

 2. B) It would be more costly to deal with its consequences than to avoid it.

 3. A) The transition to low-carbon energy systems.

 4. C) Plan well in advance.

 5. B) What determines success.

 6. D) It means being good at seizing opportunities.

 7. D) Practice is essential to becoming good at something.

 8. C) Being passionate about work can make one wealthy.

 Section B

 9. A) The stump of a giant tree.

 10. B) Wind and water.

 11. D) It was created by supernatural powers.

 12. C) By lifting them well above the ground.

 13. A) They will buy something from the convenience stores.

 14. A) They can bring only temporary pleasures.

 15. D) Small daily savings can make a big difference in one?s life.

 Section C

 16. B) They are necessary in our lives.

 18. B) They feel too overwhelmed to deal with life?s problems.

 18. A) They expand our mind.

 19. B) It came from a 3D printer.

 20. C) When she was studying at a fashion design school.

 21. C) It was hard and breakable.

 22. D) It marks a breakthrough in printing material.

 23. A) They arise from the advances in technology.

 24. D) It is intensely competitive.

 25. D) Sharing of costs with each other.

 Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension


 26. G) hypotheses 假设

 27. B) contextual 上下文的,情境的,前后关联的

 28. A) arena 舞台,竞技场

 29. C) convincing 有说服力的,使人信服的

 30. I) incorporate 合并,使并入

 31 .D) devoted献身于,把?专用于

 32 .N) reaping 收获

 33 .E) digits 数字

 34 .M) pride 以...自豪

 35 .F) hasten 加速


 36. D) For instance, new technologies that are building upon existing technology have not found their footing well enough to appeal to a mass audience?

 37. K)That, too, explains the heavy Washington presence at this year?s show, as these new technologies intrude upon heavily regulated areas.

 38. B) In some ways, the answer is yes. For years, smartphones, televisions, tablets, laptops and desktops?

 39. L) Curran, the Accenture analyst, said that increased government interest in the show makes sense as technology becomes a larger part of our lives.

 40. F) ?So much of what CES has been about is the cool. It is about the flashiness and the gadgets,

 41. A) Scan the highlights of this year?s Consumer Electronics Show (CES), and you may get a slight feeling of having seen them before.

 42. H) And when it comes to the hyper-connected super-smart world that technology firms are painting for us?

 43. E) Companies are promoting their own standards, and the marker has not had time to choose a winner yet as this is still very new.

 44. I) Companies have already won part of the battle, having driving tech into every part of our lives?

 45. C) Basically the tech industry seems to be in an awkward period now.


 Passage One

 46. A) it is unfair to those climate-vulnerable nations

 47. C) They hardly pay anything for the problems they have caused.

 48. C) They have to bear consequences they are not responsible for.

 49. B) There is no final agreement on where it will come from.

 50. D) Putting in effect the policies in the agreement at once.

 Passage Two

 51. C) Teenagers? mental problems are often too conspicuous not to be observed.

 52. D) Many hitherto unobserved youngsters may have psychological problems.

 53. B) Their behaviors do not constitute a warning signal.

 54. A) They are almost as liable to depression as the high-risk group.

 55. B) It provides new early-warning signals for identifying teens in trouble.

 Part Ⅳ Translation(30 minutes)


 With the improvement of living standards, holiday is occupying a more and more prominent position in Chinese people?s life. In the past, making a living takes most of Chinese people?s time, which gives them rare chance to go off on a trip. However, tourism has undergone rapid growth in China for the past few years. The prosperity of economy and the emergence of the affluent middle class trigger an unprecedented tourism boom. Not only does domestic traveling become common, but traveling abroad is also enjoying an increasing popularity among Chinese people. During the National Day holidays in 2016, tourism consumption amounts to more than 400 billion yuan. According to the statistical data by the World Trade Organization, China will have become the world's largest tourism country by 2020, and she will also see the fastest growth in overseas traveling expenditure in the next few years.


1. 20117年12月英语四级试题真题及答案解析

2. 英语六级选词填空练习试题及答案解析

3. 2017年12月英语六级翻译模拟题附答案

4. 2017年12月英语六级翻译练习题及答案

5. 2017年12月英语六级翻译练习题含答案




  Part I Writing (30 minutes)

 Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled My Views on University Ranking. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.

 1. 目前高校排名相当盛行;

 2. 对于这种做法人们看法不一;

 3. 在我看来?

 My Views on University Ranking

  Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)

 Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

 Into the Unknown

 The world has never seen population ageing before. Can it cope?

 Until the early 1990s nobody much thought about whole populations getting older. The UN had the foresight to convene a ?world assembly on ageing? back in 1982, but that came and went. By 1994 the World Bank had noticed that something big was happening. In a report entitled ?Averting the Old Age Crisis?, it argued that pension arrangements in most countries were unsustainable.

 For the next ten years a succession of books, mainly by Americans, sounded the alarm. They had titles like Young vs Old, Gray Dawn and The Coming Generational Storm, and their message was blunt: health-care systems were heading for the rocks, pensioners were taking young people to the cleaners, and soon there would be intergenerational warfare.

 Since then the debate has become less emotional, not least because a lot more is known about the subject. Books, conferences and research papers have multiplied. International organisations such as the OECD and the EU issue regular reports. Population ageing is on every agenda, from G8 economic conferences to NATO summits. The World Economic Forum plans to consider the future of pensions and health care at its prestigious Davos conference early next year. The media, including this newspaper, are giving the subject extensive coverage.

 Whether all that attention has translated into sufficient action is another question. Governments in rich countries now accept that their pension and health-care promises will soon become unaffordable, and many of them have embarked on reforms, but so far only timidly. That is not surprising: politicians with an eye on the next election will hardly rush to introduce unpopular measures that may not bear fruit for years, perhaps decades.

 The outline of the changes needed is clear. To avoid fiscal (财政) meltdown, public pensions and health-care provision will have to be reined back severely and taxes may have to go up. By far the most effective method to restrain pension spending is to give people the opportunity to work longer, because it increases tax revenues and reduces spending on pensions at the same time. It may even keep them alive longer. John Rother, the AARP?s head of policy and strategy, points to studies showing that other things being equal, people who remain at work have lower death rates than their retired peers.

 Younger people today mostly accept that they will have to work for longer and that their pensions will be less generous. Employers still need to be persuaded that older workers are worth holding on to. That may be because they have had plenty of younger ones to choose from, partly thanks to the post-war baby-boom and partly because over the past few decades many more women have entered the labour force, increasing employers? choice. But the reservoir of women able and willing to take up paid work is running low, and the baby-boomers are going grey.

 In many countries immigrants have been filling such gaps in the labour force as have already emerged (and remember that the real shortage is still around ten years off). Immigration in the developed world is the highest it has ever been, and it is making a useful difference. In still-fertile America it currently accounts for about 40% of total population growth, and in fast-ageing western Europe for about 90%.

 On the face of it, it seems the perfect solution. Many developing countries have lots of young people in need of jobs; many rich countries need helping hands that will boost tax revenues and keep up economic growth. But over the next few decades labour forces in rich countries are set to shrink so much that inflows of immigrants would have to increase enormously to compensate: to at least twice their current size in western Europe?s most youthful countries, and three times in the older ones. Japan would need a large multiple of the few immigrants it has at present. Public opinion polls show that people in most rich countries already think that immigration is too high. Further big increases would be politically unfeasible.

 To tackle the problem of ageing populations at its root, ?old? countries would have to rejuvenate (使年轻) themselves by having more of their own children. A number of them have tried, some more successfully than others. But it is not a simple matter of offering financial incentives or providing more child care. Modern urban life in rich countries is not well adapted to large families. Women find it hard to combine family and career. They often compromise by having just one child.

 And if fertility in ageing countries does not pick up? It will not be the end of the world, at least not for quite a while yet, but the world will slowly become a different place. Older societies may be less innovative and more strongly disinclined to take risks than younger ones. By 2025 at the latest, about half the voters in America and most of those in western European countries will be over 50?and older people turn out to vote in much greater number than younger ones. Academic studies have found no evidence so far that older voters have used their power at the ballot box to push for policies that specifically benefit them, though if in future there are many more of them they might start doing so.

 Nor is there any sign of the intergenerational warfare predicted in the 1990s. After all, older people themselves mostly have families. In a recent study of parents and grown-up children in 11 European countries, Karsten Hank of Mannheim University found that 85% of them lived within 25km of each other and the majority of them were in touch at least once a week.

 Even so, the shift in the centre of gravity to older age groups is bound to have a profound effect on societies, not just economically and politically but in all sorts of other ways too. Richard Jackson and Neil Howe of America?s CSIS, in a thoughtful book called The Graying of the Great Powers, argue that, among other things, the ageing of the developed countries will have a number of serious security implications.

 For example, the shortage of young adults is likely to make countries more reluctant to commit the few they have to military service. In the decades to 2050, America will find itself playing an ever-increasing role in the developed world?s defence effort. Because America?s population will still be growing when that of most other developed countries is shrinking, America will be the only developed country that still matters geopolitically (地缘政治上).

 Ask me in 2020

 There is little that can be done to stop population ageing, so the world will have to live with it. But some of the consequences can be alleviated. Many experts now believe that given the right policies, the effects, though grave, need not be catastrophic. Most countries have recognised the need to do something and are beginning to act.

 But even then there is no guarantee that their efforts will work. What is happening now is historically unprecedented. Ronald Lee, director of the Centre on the Economics and Demography of Ageing at the University of California, Berkeley, puts it briefly and clearly: ?We don?t really know what population ageing will be like, because nobody has done it yet. ?


 1. In its 1994 report, the World Bank argued that the current pension system in most countries could ______.

 [A] not be sustained in the long term

 [B] further accelerate the ageing process

 [C] hardly halt the growth of population

 [D] help tide over the current ageing crisis

 2. What message is conveyed in books like Young vs Old?

 [A] The generation gap is bound to narrow.

 [B] Intergenerational conflicts will intensify.

 [C] The younger generation will beat the old.

 [D] Old people should give way to the young.

 3. One reason why pension and health care reforms are slow in coming is that ______.

 [A] nobody is willing to sacrifice their own interests to tackle the problem

 [B] most people are against measures that will not bear fruit immediately

 [C] the proposed reforms will affect too many people?s interests

 [D] politicians are afraid of losing votes in the next election

 4. The author believes the most effective method to solve the pension crisis is to ______.

 [A] allow people to work longer [C] cut back on health care provisions

 [B] increase tax revenues [D] start reforms right away

 5. The reason why employers are unwilling to keep older workers is that ______.

 [A] they are generally difficult to manage

 [B] the longer they work, the higher their pension

 [C] their pay is higher than that of younger ones

 [D] younger workers are readily available

 6. To compensate for the fast-shrinking labour force, Japan would need ______.

 [A] to revise its current population control policy

 [B] large numbers of immigrants from overseas

 [C] to automate its manufacturing and service industries

 [D] a politically feasible policy concerning population

 7. Why do many women in rich countries compromise by having only one child?

 [A] Small families are becoming more fashionable.

 [B] They find it hard to balance career and family.

 [C] It is too expensive to support a large family.

 [D] Child care is too big a problem for them.

 8. Compared with younger ones, older societies are less inclined to ______________________________.

 9. The predicted intergenerational warfare is unlikely because most of the older people themselves _________________________.

 10. Countries that have a shortage of young adults will be less willing to commit them to ____________________________.

  Part III Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)

  Section A

 Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D], and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

 注意: 此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。

 11. [A] The man is the manager of the apartment building.

 [B] The woman is very good at bargaining.

 [C] The woman will get the apartment refurnished.

 [D] The man is looking for an apartment.

 12. [A] How the pictures will turn out. [C] What the man thinks of the shots.

 [B] Where the botanical garden is. [D] Why the pictures are not ready.

 13. [A] There is no replacement for the handle.

 [B] There is no match for the suitcase.

 [C] The suitcase is not worth fixing.

 [D] The suitcase can be fixed in time.

 14. [A] He needs a vehicle to be used in harsh weather.

 [B] He has a fairly large collection of quality trucks.

 [C] He has had his truck adapted for cold temperatures.

 [D] He does routine truck maintenance for the woman.

 15. [A] She cannot stand her boss?s bad temper.

 [B] She has often been criticized by her boss.

 [C] She has made up her mind to resign.

 [D] She never regrets any decisions she makes.

 16. [A] Look for a shirt of a more suitable color and size.

 [B] Replace the shirt with one of some other material.

 [C] Visit a different store for a silk or cotton shirt.

 [D] Get a discount on the shirt she is going to buy.

 17. [A] At a ?Lost and Found?. [C] At a trade fair.

 [B] At a reception desk. [D] At an exhibition.

 18. [A] Repair it and move in. [C] Convert it into a hotel.

 [B] Pass it on to his grandson. [D] Sell it for a good price.

 Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

 19. [A] Unique descriptive skills. [C] Colourful world experiences.

 [B] Good knowledge of readers? tastes. [D] Careful plotting and clueing.

 20. [A] A peaceful setting. [C] To be in the right mood.

 [B] A spacious room. [D] To be entirely alone.

 21. [A] They rely heavily on their own imagination.

 [B] They have experiences similar to the characters?.

 [C] They look at the world in a detached manner.

 [D] They are overwhelmed by their own prejudices.

 Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

 22. [A] Good or bad, they are there to stay.

 [B] Like it or not, you have to use them.

 [C] Believe it or not, they have survived.

 [D] Gain or lose, they should be modernised.

 23. [A] The frequent train delays. [C]The food sold on the trains.

 [B] The high train ticket fares. [D] The monopoly of British Railways.

 24. [A] The low efficiency of their operation.

 [B] Competition from other modes of transport.

 [C] Constant complaints from passengers.

 [D] The passing of the new transport act.

 25. [A] They will be de-nationalised. [C] They are fast disappearing.

 [B] They provide worse service. [D] They lose a lot of money.

  Section B

 Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

 注意: 此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。

  Passage One

 Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.

 26. [A] The whole Antarctic region will be submerged.

 [B] Some polar animals will soon become extinct.

 [C] Many coastal cities will be covered with water.

 [D] The earth will experience extreme weathers.

 27. [A] How humans are to cope with global warming.

 [B] How unstable the West Antarctic ice sheet is.

 [C] How vulnerable the coastal cities are.

 [D] How polar ice impacts global weather.

 28. [A] It collapsed at least once in the past 1.3 million years.

 [B] It sits firmly on solid rock at the bottom of the ocean.

 [C] It melted at temperatures a bit higher than those of today.

 [D] It will have little impact on sea level when it breaks up.

 29. [A] The West Antarctic region was once an open ocean.

 [B] The West Antarctic ice sheet was about 7,000 feet thick.

 [C] The West Antarctic ice sheet was once floating ice.

 [D] The West Antarctic region used to be warmer than today.



The Certificate Craze





Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Way to Success by commenting on Abraham Lincoln's famous remark, "Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend, the first four sharpening the axe." You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Impact of the Internet on Interpersonal Communication. Your essay should start with a brief description of the picture. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled Man and Computer by commenting on the saying, “The real danger is not that the computer will begin to think like man, but that man will begin to think like the computer.” You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “A smile is the shortest distance between two people”. You may cite some examples to support you view. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on happiness by referring to the saying “Happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them.” You can cite examples to illustrate your points and then explain how you can develop your ability to deal with problem and be happy, you should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


Directions: For this part , your are allowed30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwise to judge a personby their appearance 。You can give explain to illustrate your point .Youshould write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words 。



Part IV Translation (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.



The Chinese language is used as native language by the greatest number of people in the world. One of the significant distinctions between Chinese and Western languages lies in that it is composed of characters rather than letters. The Chinese language is the oldest writing system still in use. In China, although people from different regions may not understand each other's dialects, they have little difficulty in communicating because Chinese characters are written in a uniform form. The Chinese language has played quite an important role in the unification of the Chinese nation in history. Nowadays, with China's rapid economic growth and increasing global influence, more and more people in other countries begin to learn Chinese.




2022年6月英语六级答案第三套 六级作文部分


 more and more people take the delight to helping the needy


 Currently in our society, it is quite prevalent for citizens to give a hand to those who are in need of help.Apart from this trend, what encourages people is that people in growing numbers find it delighted to help the needy. The reasons, from my per-spective, can be listed as follows.

 The first motivation behind this trend lies in the growing abili-ty of average people to help others. Unlike those in the early 21st century, people in current society are equipped with knowledge,skills, and even economic strength to provide more assistance to help the needy. What is more, this trend is largely associated with the sense of satisfaction of the public. When offering help on time, those who lend a hand realize their own value and thus part of the meaning of their life, which further strengthens similar behaviors in their daily life. The last factor is about positive energy in the mass media.In China,a country with traditional virtues of helping the disadvantaged, matters of the help among common people are great ingredients for the publicity of both tradition virtues and modern values.

 For me, it is much delighted to see that the public are more likely to lend a hand to others voluntarily.With people's growing ability, the sense of satisfaction, and the spread of good deeds in the mass media, this trend will inevitably become a norm in our society.


 此次英语六级考试已于2014年12月20日下午结束,为了大家能更好的吸收此次真题,在第一时间为大家整理了本次 英语六级考试作文真题及范文 ,希望能帮助到大家,虽然考完了,但是也不要忘记学习英语哦!


  For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then discuss whether technology is indispensable in education. You should give sound arguments to support your views and write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


 From this cartoon, we clearly see that the student is asking his teacher about whether or not he can use some tech support to figure out the problem in his math class. What?s behind the cartoon is the fact that nowadays students become increasingly dependent on technological devices to help them with their school work.

 In my opinion, with the advances in technology, students can learn more efficiently. First of all, technology provides infinite resources for learning. When our parents were students, they could only learn from their teachers, while nowadays, we can learn much more from the Internet. Second, it?s more convenient to learn with tech support. For example, I got enrolled in a Spanish class in an online school called Hujiang Online Class. All it requires is a PC or a smartphone, and I can learn the lectures anytime and anywhere. Lastly, it?s more economical to learn online. Besides the courses, free Apps are also easily accessible.

 As for me, tech support has become an important part in my daily study. I will continue to learn in this way, and I believe that we can learn more efficiently if we are able to utilize the technologies around us.

 以上就是本次本 英语六级考试作文真题及范文, 还有更多关于英语六级真题试卷的文章,欢迎大家访问,如果大家喜欢(),可以按Ctrl+D收藏本站即可第一时间了解最新英语六级考试动态!



Part IV Translation (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.



As a country boasting a vast territory and encompassing a large population, people in many places of China speak their own dialects. Dialects vary greatly in pronunciation but slightly in vocabulary and grammar. Some dialects, especially those from the north and the south, are so different that their speakers often have trouble understanding each other. Although dialects are considered as an integral part of the local culture, the number of people who can speak them has been undergoing a continuous decline in recent years. In order to encourage people to speak local dialects more often, some local governments have taken measures such as setting up dialect courses and broadcasting dialect programs on radio and TV, with a hope to preserve the local cultural heritage.


