
-You ever met him? 你见过他?

-I did. 我见过

I thought he was great at first, but then he didn't turn out so nice. 原本以为他人很好 后来才知道他不是什么好人

He also has a funny haircut. 而且他的发型很奇怪

-I do not! 我才没有!

-Why are you here? -I don't feel so hot. -你来干嘛? -我心情不好

What makes you feel better when you feel terrible?你沮丧时 怎样才能让心情变好?

-My family. 和家人在一起

What do you have against my family? 你对我家人有什么意见?

-It's not just your family. It's the whole idea of... 不只是你的家人 而是想到...

They tell you what to do, what not to do... 他们成天规定你能这样 不能那样...

and it's not conducive to a creative atmosphere. 这样是会扼杀创意的

-Usually they're just trying to protect you because they love you. 他们只是想保护你 因为他们爱你

If you don't believe me, you should ask. 不相信的话 就自己去问问

-Ask who? My father? 问谁? 问我爸?

No way. 我才不要

At least, not by myself. 至少不要我自己一个人去

-You want me to go with you? 你要我陪你去?

-Hey. Hey, what a good idea. Yeah! 好主意 就这么办

Shopkeeper: You found Wonka's last golden ticket! 店主:你得到了旺卡的最后一张金门票!

Willy Wonka: Don't touch that squirrel's nuts! It'll make him crazy! 威利?旺卡:别碰松鼠们的松果!那会使它们生气的!

Grandma Georgina: Nothing's impossible, Charlie. 奶奶乔治娜:一切皆有可能,查理。