

1. 表示感谢和欢迎:Good morning/afternoon, committee members. Thank you for the opportunity to be here today.

2. 自我介绍:My name is [your name] and I come from [your city or country]. I am currently [your current position or education level], and I have [years of experience or academic achievements] in [your field of expertise].

3. 解释选择MBA课程:I am very interested in pursuing an MBA degree because [explain why MBA is important for your career goals or personal development].

4. 突出自己的特点和优势:I believe I am well-suited for this program because [give examples of your strengths and how they apply to the MBA program].

5. 说明职业规划和目标:My long-term career goal is [your career goal], and I believe that an MBA from this program can help me achieve that goal. In the short term, I hope to [your short-term goal].

6. 结尾:Thank you again for considering my application. I am looking forward to the opportunity to learn from the distinguished faculty and talented peers in this program.


1. 目光要自信:在自我介绍时,要始终保持目光自信、表情自然,不要让紧张的情绪影响自己的态度和形象。

2. 语速要适中:说话要清晰有力,但要注意语速不要过快或过慢,这样可以使评委更容易听懂你所说的内容。

3. 发音溜达:如果有外语发音不太准确的问题,可以多练习发音,或请教母语为英语的朋友指导。

4. 展现独特性:在自我介绍时,可以突出自己的特点和优势来吸引评委的注意力,同时也要结合实际情况,描述自己的个人和职业经历。

5. 着重指出职业发展规划:最好能够详细地阐述自己的职业发展规划和目标,使评委认识到你考MBA的原因、目的和利用它所能达到的效果。
